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Today's Stichomancy for Denise Richards

The excerpt represents the core issue or deciding factor on which you must meditate, and is drawn from The Pupil by Henry James:

they were staying there to keep warm. Pemberton looked askance at the boy at his side, to see to what extent he was conscious of these dark omens. But Morgan, luckily for him, was now mainly conscious of growing taller and stronger and indeed of being in his fifteenth year. This fact was intensely interesting to him and the basis of a private theory - which, however, he had imparted to his tutor - that in a little while he should stand on his own feet. He considered that the situation would change - that in short he should be "finished," grown up, producible in the world of affairs and ready to prove himself of sterling ability. Sharply as he was capable at times of analysing, as he called it, his life, there