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Today's Stichomancy for Hilary Duff

The excerpt represents the core issue or deciding factor on which you must meditate, and is drawn from Dark Lady of the Sonnets by George Bernard Shaw:

to please me. _[He rises gratefully]._

THE DARK LADY. Madam: he is flattering you even as he speaks.

ELIZABETH. _[a terrible flash in her eye]_ Ha! Is it so?

SHAKESPEAR. Madam: she is jealous; and, heaven help me! not without reason. Oh, you say you are a merciful prince; but that was cruel of you, that hiding of your royal dignity when you found me here. For how can I ever be content with this black-haired, black-eyed, black-avised devil again now that I have looked upon real beauty and real majesty?

THE DARK LADY. _[wounded and desperate]_ He hath swore to me ten times over that the day shall come in England when black women, for