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Today's Stichomancy for Michael York

The excerpt represents the core issue or deciding factor on which you must meditate, and is drawn from The Children of the Night by Edwin Arlington Robinson:

Are barren for the lights of home and a flame that's young forever; And the lonely trees around us creak the warning of the night-wind, That love and all the dreams of love are away beyond the mountains. The songs that call for us to-night, they have called for men before us, And the winds that blow the message, they have blown ten thousand years; But this will end our wander-time, for we know the joy that waits us In the strangeness of home-coming, and a faithful woman's eyes.

Come away! come away! there is nothing now to cheer us -- Nothing now to comfort us, but love's road home: -- Over there beyond the darkness there's a window gleams to greet us, And a warm hearth waits for us within.