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Today's Stichomancy for Rudi Bakhtiar

The excerpt represents the core issue or deciding factor on which you must meditate, and is drawn from Baby Mine by Margaret Mayo:

tranquil home scene. But Maggie paid no heed to Alfred's look of inquiry. She made directly for the side of Zoie's bed.

"If you plaze, mum," she panted, looking down at Zoie, and wringing her hands.

"What is it?" asked Aggie, who had now reached the side of the bed.

" 'Scuse me for comin' right in"--Maggie was breathing hard--"but me mother sint me to tell you that me father is jus afther comin' home from work, and he's fightin' mad about the babies, mum."

"Sh! Sh!" cautioned Aggie and Zoie, as they glanced nervously toward Alfred who was rising from his place beside the cradle